Thursday, December 31, 2009
I am resolving the following:
First and foremost, I resolve this daily not just at the New Year. I want to walk a closer walk with the Lord. I want to study my bible more. This is something I need every day to make it through life.
I plan on being a better wife. Not that I am a bad wife. I just plan on making sure Rob knows every day how wonderful he is and how is such a blessing in my life.
I also resolve to be a better friend. 2009 I hurt two people I love dearly with some of my actions. I want to resolve those issues and hopefully move forward and never again hurt them again.
I also want to kick a couple of bad habits. I was off coke for a while but I want to cut back to one or none a day!
I want to spend less time on my phone via texting, facebook and email! This is a must!
I want to make one new recipe a week. I used to do this but have slacked off. So look for the pictures and recipes to come!
Stay on budget. We usually do really good with this but I want to travel more this year.
FINISH THE BASEMENT!!!!! This will be done by Spring. (I PRAY)
And the one I know I will break is to exercise more. I do fine in the spring and summer but winter I just want to stay in my comfy clothes by the fire and watch movies!
My 20 year reunion is coming soon. I know there is no way I will get my high school figure back. If I did, I would be in the hospital! So just a few pounds or 50 pounds would be great!
I am looking forward to 2010! I know God has a plan and I am excited to see what it will bring!
Happy New Years and stay safe!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Third Annual Christmas Baking Day
I think this year was the best year yet! It was so relaxing and things flowed so well. We had more than enough goodies for everyone to have several tins full of the delightful treats! We made caramel pretzels rods drizzled with chocolate, chocolate covered pretzels, peanut butter ritz dipped in chocolate, sugar cookies, oreo balls, snickerdoodles, thin mints, sugar cookies,chocolate spoons, turtles, and peppermint melt cookies. We had chocolate and peppermint everywhere! I monogrammed aprons for everyone. The aprons turned out to be really needed this year!
Angela and Amy making peanut butter ritz dipped in chocolate. (actually Amy put Brett's call down to take this pic)
Mandy, Shawna, Angela, Wendy, Me, Amy, Amanda with a plate of our creations!
Amanda making snicker doodles!
Shawna and Mandy dipping pretzels in caramel.
Nicole, Rebecca, and Amanda making thin mints. Wendy smiling for the pic!
Mandy and Shawna icing sugar cookies!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Life Group Christmas Party
Yes they are dear and loved by us also!
We are so blessed with this life group! We all are there for each other in the good and bad times.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Christmas Presents
I love this time of the year! I love the lights on the houses, the church looks amazing, the smell of cookies baking, and the tree all decorated. When I see the bright Christmas lights around town, I think of the wise men following the bright star to see the new born Christ baby! Can you imagine the anticipation they felt knowing an angel told them to follow the star. As kids ( and adults) we are excited to open our presents on Christmas morning. It can not compare to what you would feel seeing baby Jesus in the manager.
So when you open your presents this Christmas, remember the best gift given to us! The birth and death of our saviour Jesus! The toys will break, and the other gifts will be forgotten but the one gift that is everlasting is Jesus!
Monday, December 14, 2009
As I was struggling to understand things and why bad things happen to people who love God so much, I decided I can not let this hurt my walk with the Lord. I read my bible alot last week. I kept going to Philippians. I kept saying the Lord doesn't promise us to be happy. Joyful in Him, yes but that doesn't mean we will have an easy life. I am trying to stay positive and not become depressed with our sad news. I keep leaning on God and Rob at this point. Rob is such an amazing husband. He takes wonderful care of me. I have been an emotional roller coaster for the last week. God blessed me with him.
So positive things:
It is almost Christmas! Happy birthday Jesus!
I will get to see my family in 9 days!
Rob and I are definitely closer!
Cookie day was very successful this year! Probably my favorite time yet! ( I will post pics and details this week)
Wonderful friends who have been there for us this last week! You know who your good friends when they can cry with you or sit with you at the hospital. I am so thankful for all the love we have received this last week.
Very thankful for our family!
I am thankful for our bosses! Rob's work was very understanding as well as mine! It is good to know when something happens you know you can take care of things and not have to worry about your job!
I will post pics from cookie day and our Christmas tree this week. Rob and I have been trying to go on a date for two weekends but it didn't happen with the problem we had. This Friday night we will go on a date like we did the first time we went out! Mexican dinner and Christmas lights!
Sorry such a vague post! Not ready to disclose the sadness to everyone!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thanksgiving week
Well in the Young's world, things are busy! We spent Thanksgiving in Delaware with Rob's sisters family. It was a wonderful trip and very relaxing. I enjoy being with the Beams. They spoiled us!
Rob and I flew into Baltimore the Friday before Thanksgiving. Well you could say Saturday morning. The Beams picked us up late morning. We went to Fort Mchenry! What an amazing place. That is where Francis Scott Key wrote the Star Spangled Banner! It makes think about the battle that was won there!
Next we were off the the harbor for shopping. It was also a time to build up our appetite for seafood that evening. We went to Woody's Crab House! Wow, the crab cakes were scrumptious. We may have to fly into Baltimore every time we go to see them so I can have more crab cakes. We left there ready to pop! It was a delightful day!
Sunday we went to Longwood Gardens! I want to go back in every season to see God's beauty! The conservatory had amazing flower sculptures and flowers everywhere. I can not describe what all there is to see. It is just amazing!
Monday we had the pleasure of having lunch with our niece at her Thanksgiving luncheon at school! Afterwards, Vickie, Danielle and I went to the nail salon. Vic and I had a relaxing pedicure while little Danielle had a manicure!
Tuesday was shopping day! We shopped so much, we had to borrow another suitcase to bring everything home. Wednesday we baked four pies for Thanksgiving dinner and went shopping again with the whole family! For dinner, we went to a great little Italian restaurant. It was the real deal!
Thursday we stuffed ourselves into a turkey coma. Friday the men got up and did the Black Friday specials while us ladies stayed in bed! Then we had to fly home!
It was sad leaving the family! We love them so much and wish we all lived closer!
December is going to be a very busy month!
Next weekend is the third annual Christmas baking day with a few of my friends! It is a day I look forward to all year. So does Rob! He loves the goodies!
Then the following weekend,we will have Christmas with the Youngs and then off to Missouri for a few days!
Just remember during this busy time, the Reason for the Season is Christ! Remember to reflect on His grace, love and mercy! Be patient with your family, friends and the clerks at the mall. When all is said and done, it is all about the little baby born so long ago who would die for our sins. I am so thankful for Jesus! He loves me no matter what! I do not deserve His unconditional love but isn't it amazing!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
We give monthly to help our Little Naomi in Kenya attend school and to have food. She has clothes and is receiving a Christian education. What a blessing to know we are giving back to the Kingdom!
We support several missions! Rob and I may not be able to live in Africa but we are supporting friends that are doing work for God! We see how lives are changing and accepting Christ!
I challenge you to give yourself, give a bible, give money to help others here in the US or in another country.
Monday, November 2, 2009
A Thanksgiving in my Heart
Here are some things I've been thinking about lately. For those of us who are Christians, we will always be able to give thanks. Following Christ isn't easy, in fact, we are guaranteed that we will suffer in one way or another if we do give our lives to Christ. I know of Christians who have suffered, and who are currently suffering unspeakably horrible things. But as Christians, we really can "give thanks in all things".
Because will never experience the worst.
1. We will never suffer alone.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. Isaiah 43:
This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses. Hebrews 4:15a
For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:52.
2.We will never suffer fruitlessly.
For our present troubles are small and won’t last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! 2 Cor. 4:17
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Rom 8:283.
3.Our suffering is temporary.
After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. 1 Peter 5:10
Thank you Lord that whatever happens, I will always have something to thank You for!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
We went to Sikeston the first weekend of October to see the Mays side! It was a great weekend but way too short. We arrived and it seem we ran the whole time. We enjoyed the parade with family and Jamie was in Miss Cotton Carnival! She didn't win but she sure did look gorgeous. She was competing against girls who had tons of pageant experience. It was only her second pageant.
The second weekend in October we tried to relax a little since we are always on the go! it turned cold this weekend. We had a fire in the fireplace most of the weekend. We did a little shopping and had dinner to celebrate Mandy and John's birthday from our Wednesday night life group! We went over the Nellis after dinner at Jose Peppers and played board games. We love our group!
The third weekend in October we went to the zoo because we love our zoo. Rob bought us season pass so we try to go as much as time allows us. The animals were so active. The lion actually roared where it shook you! He was upset with the female pushing him off his rock to take a nap! The baby giraffe which was born in June and the one born last November are growing up fast! Sunday we worked the Kenya table at church! It was great to talk to others about our trip and what Mary and Wallace are accomplishing in Kenya! Sunday evening Mom and Dad Young came over for dinner. It was nice to visit with them!
Really nothing too excited. We are planning a Halloween party at our house. A little dance social with the gang before the basement is completed. ( well who knows when we will totally complete it)
October is flying by. The trees are changing colors. The winds are turning colder. Winter will be here before we know it. The holidays are approaching. We have purchased two Christmas presents already! I hope to have all our shopping completed by December 1st! I want to enjoy this Christmas season without being rushed. I am also ready for the Third annual Christmas baking day! It is such a fun day with the girls!
Enjoy the fall! It is an amazing time of the year when God paints beautiful colors!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Janel setting up her tent. This picture is for her mom. When J told her mom she was going camping, her mom busted out laughing.
These Pics are in random order, sorry. We stopped at the Belmount Hotel for lunch on Sunday on the way home. This is the oldest water tower in Kansas.
Fall River was having Rendezvous Days at the other camping ground. We ventured over to see what is going on. The people had tents and were dress how they dressed in the pioneer and trapping days. Very interesting. The gang all together.
The windmill farm outside of Belmount!
Aww Shawna and Daniel but the river down from the dam.
Such a cute couple! Phil and Janel! Didn't I do good fixing them up?!?
Rob would have been a good pioneer man. He is amazing outdoors. He can do anything I have found out! I am sooo blessed with this incredible husband!
Kansas' sunsets are God's blessings. I think He gives us the beautiful sunrises and sunsets to make up for all the winds we have!
I like this pic of our feet! Sorry to share but too bad! LOL
It was a relaxing trip with great friends. I may post more pictures when we have time next week.
Next week's post will be about the Adventures at the Cotton Carnival in my hometown, Jamie's pageant, and fun times with the family!
Challenge you to let someone know how much you appreciate them.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Childhood memories
Even after I moved away, I would come home for the weekend to watch the parade with my family. Every year we would sit in the same place. It would be my dad, my sister and her husband plus their three daughters, my brother and his wife and Molly Claire. Aunt Moz also would come. We would enjoy this time as a family. This year Rob is going to join in the tradition. It will be bitter sweet for me this year. This is the first year I have been without my brother there to aggravate me the entire time!
The Cotton Carnival also has pageants. Little Miss and Mr Cotton Top, Jr Miss Sikeston, Miss Sikeston and Miss Cotton Carnival will be held. Jr Miss is only for Sikeston Public School Freshman and Miss is only for Senior girls that attend Sikeston Sr High School. Miss Cotton Carnival is open to any girl ages15-18 that does not attend Sikeston Public Schools.
I won Miss Sikeston in 1989.(Yes it was a long time ago). I always hoped one of my nieces would be Miss Sikeston. Well 3 of the 4 nieces go to private schools. But this year, Jamie is going to be in Miss Cotton Carnival. I get to go through the nerve wracking moments like my sister did when I was in pageants. Now Sara and I can be stressed out together.
Well while Jamie is on stage looking beautiful, you will sure to find me stuffing my face with a hamburger, funnel cake, and whatever else I can find. I am sure I will post pics when we return!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Things that make me smile....
Waking up in the morning seeing Rob beside me!
Opening up my email in the morning and always having the Jenn updates and emailing my girlfriends funny life things that happens every day it seems.
The smell in the air when fall is approaching and the leaves starting to change.
Kansas' sunsets.
Receiving text messages from my nieces and phone calls and them saying I love you even if their friends are around! No matter how much they try to grow up on my, they are still my little sweet peas.
My 10 am text from Rob! He is amazing man.
Talking with Aunt Moz every day even when we have nothing really to say.
Cooking for people. Its my way to say I care. I think its my only talent!
Completing projects!
Angela's status updates on facebook!
Greeting Rob at the door when he comes home from work!!! I await that hug and kiss all day!
My church family!
Knowing I am a better person today than I was before. Thanks to God's grace!
A cup of Rob's chai!
My life with Rob
Our wonderful friends!
Match making when it works out!
reading the bible with Rob
Saying prayers with Rob every night before falling asleep beside him....
What makes you smile!
Biking with God
Another example they gave was along the ride you pick up some blessings, and some gifts from others. Well God says the bike is heavy, we need to pass out the gifts and share the blessings along the trail.
I want to let God to lead the way in my life daily. It is hard sometimes but my prayer is just to pedal for God's adventure. I want to have my bike heavy so I can share the gifts and blessings of God's love with others.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Basement Project
Monday, September 14, 2009
20 Year Reunion
Well with the reunion around the corner, all the anxieties I when attended good oLE SHS are coming back. All of a sudden I am freaking out about my weight! So I think it is time to lose a 100 lbs before I see all my old class mates.
I thought about doing the couch to 5K but that would require me to run again. So Rob and I are biking! The only probably is we live in Kansas. The weather never is cooperative. It is either raining, too windy, or too stinking hot. I am looking forward to the rain to cease but by then it will probably be ice and snow. Luckily, my husband bought me a treadmill. Oh wait it is unplugged in the basement. We are currently trying to finish the basement in our home.
Another way I thought I could drop a hundred pounds would be to stop cooking. I really don't think that will happen either. I would be way too cranky if I couldn't cook!
Well hopefully I will be pregnant by the reunion! I can blame it all on the baby!!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Our First Anniversary Celebration
Here are a few pics from our adventure!
This is Ethiopian food! you eat this with your fingers using Injera( a flat sour dough type bread). In this pic there is Chicken with a boiled egg, cabbage, gomen (which is the green stuff) beef and a lentil side. You also eat the bottom of the pan which is a large piece of injera! YUMMY!
Rob in front of the Man eaters of Tsavo at the Field Museum. Watch the movie A Ghost in the Darkness and you will know the story of these man eating lions!
Rob and I in front of the Weasley's car from Harry Potter. It was the only thing we could take pictures of from the Harry Potter exhibit at the Science and Industry Museum.
A fountain going over the River from the boat tour!
Rob and I standing in front of the Sun at the planetarium!
103 floors high on the glass sky deck at the Willis Tower (Sears Tower)
Gino's East Pizza ! Need I say more?
Rob acting silly at the Field Museum in front of SUE!
Pic of us on the River Tour!
We did not save our cake top because we ate it on our wedding night. So I made one for my wonderful hubby! IT was strawberry cake with butter cream icing! It was very good!
The weekend of our actually anniversary, we went biking riding and had a picnic. This guy resides in one of the parks by Riverside!
Rob riding in front of me down by the river!
I was so happy we could cross the bridge at the Keeper!
The Keeper of the Plains by the Arkansas River. This is also where Rob proposed to me!
Rob and I enjoyed a wonderful two weekends of celebrating our anniversary. I am so blessed with an God loving, wonderful husband!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Wow its been a Year already?!?
The last year has been such a blessing. We have shared so many laughs and a few tears. We have been making our house a home. Hopefully the basement will be completed before our 2nd anniversary! We have shared times with friends, family and alone time. We have built our marriage on God's foundation and He is blessing us with such a grand life!
We spent our anniversary weekend doing what we love the most, being together. Saturday, we went for a long bike ride along the Riverside area and had a picnic. Sunday, we relaxed by the lake and then enjoyed a romantic delicious dinner!
As all other special days, such as birthdays, we believe one day celebrations are not enough! We will continue the celebration in Chicago for four days this weekend!
I can not wait to see what God has in store for us in the years ahead! What every it is, we will enjoy the adventure together!
Pictures to be posted after our Chicago trip!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Pottery Class
Friday, August 7, 2009
Busy Busy Busy
We have been busy every night this week. I had pottery class (which I plan to take pics on Tuesday)and we both meet with a group we are starting a life group with on Wednesday. In September, we will have two bible study groups and I am excited to be able to spend time with two groups of our friends.
Yesterday,thanks to my wonderful hubby, I bought a sewing/embroidery machine. Granted, I do not know who to sew yet! I bought a used one from the sewing store to see if I really want to do this. Basically, I want to sew a few things and embroidery gifts! I really want to do towels for every season! I am officially domesticated! Who ever would have thought I would be Susie Homemaker, well except I still work along with being a Domesticated DIVA!
Earlier in the week, Rob and I were reading our bible together. We were discussing how the sabbath is suppose to be a day of rest. Rest, what's that? We talked about trying to have a day of rest which we all need and God wants us to have. Then yesterday a friend emailed me that she is needing to listen to what God what wants her to do and not be so busy to be busy. That had me thinking again. Our schedule for August is booked and we have very little down time. If God was telling me something, He might get voicemail! All day yesterday I kept thinking about the email my friend sent and the little discussion Rob and I had. Another reminder when I was at the sewing shop, there was my favorite verse hanging on the wall. BE STILL AND KNOW I"M GOD! Ok Lord, you are smacking me in my face. Yes I know I need to be STILL but how do I do that when I am busy!!!!
So I guess what I am trying to ramble about is this. We are so busy with life most of the time, we miss out on blessings God is trying to show us. We miss out on out time to be still with God. I have my prayer time when I am driving back and forth to work but then sometimes that is even busy time with other things, (talking to friends or family, singing ect)
So I am scheduling my still time. To spend more time in God's word, to spend time resting and also just learn to be still and listen.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Then a verse I read last week came to mind.
Jeremiah 23:16
This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of the LORD.
I see the prophets in the scripture being the news Media, the government and others of the world trying to think things are not going to be better unless we rely on their way. I am relying on the Lord's way. I am not conforming my ways or my beliefs to what anyone else thinks is best for me and my family. God's way then my husband's way with God directing him is what is best for us! I have hope of a better tomorrow. I know one day it will be glorious in Heaven!
There was a time in my life when I strayed from my Christian walk. IT was a very dark period in my life. By the grace of God, I am forgiven and can know there is hope and love. I strive to be a better person but I am human and sometimes fall straight on my face. I do not want to live in the dark ever again. My faith and hope is with Our Lord! Do not let others tell you it is hopeless. There is hope with Jesus!
The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;
Lamentations 3:25
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Shrimp Pasta
So I will share what I do but it changes every time I make it!
1 bag of Frozen cooked shrimp, pull the tails off
small tomatoes
1/4 teaspoon cayenne
a pinch of basil
a pinch of parsley
1/4 c of onion approximate
1/4 c white cooking wine
1/2 c chicken broth or more if you need more sauce
garlic to taste I use the minced garlic most of the time and it is usually two teaspoons
5 tsp butter
I first melt the butter in a large pan. I saute the mushrooms, onions, asparagus, garlic and small tomatoes. Then I add broth and wine and shrimp. let simmer for about 15 minutes while the angel hair pasta is boiling and the bread is baking in the oven.
I sometimes just to mushrooms and onions and garlic too. add whatever you like. the flavor is from the wine and broth and the spices. Veggies are optional. This is a thin sauce. you could thicken it with corn starch. Remember to take some liquid out of the pan into a bowl then add the about a tablespoon of starch to the liquid and whisk it to make it not so lumpy. Then add it back to the pan. This will help with the lumps in the whole sauce.
Have a great day and happy cooking.
Next recipe will be coconut choc chip cookies. I am making this weekend sometime so I will let you know how they turn out!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Rob and I were married a month after I turned 36. We have traveled to Cabo San Lucas, Texas, Oklahoma (twice), Missouri (three times), and Kenya! I moved into our new home when we were married. We had several parties at the house. I had my gallbladder removed! Jenn and I took a couple of cooking classes. We have been to five weddings not counting our own. We have made memories with friends that will last a lifetime.
Year 36 was great! Bring on 37! I wonder what year 37 will bring........
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Latest addition to the kitchen!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The fun things we brought back from Kenya
Our best friend, Janel brought back e colli and a strain of Typhoid! She has been in the hospital since July 9th and hopefully we will be out today! She did have all her vaccinations but this is a strain that is not preventable apparently. The doctors said they will not know for several weeks what exactly the strand is but they know how to treat her. She looks and feels better every day! Last week when she was in ICU, I decided I do not need to visit third world countries anymore. I am sure I will change my mind one day since the hubby was born there.
I brought back, Fred, the parasite! I realized after the girls named him, I have a brother in law whose name is Fred! (Sorry to the Beams if you read this one) It has been interesting having Fred. He doesn't like Japanese, Mexican, Italian, or American food so far. Hopefully Fred will be dead soon with the medicine!
Now reason why he was named Fred. At my cousins house in Tulsa, they have a turkey on a nest of eggs. We named her Wilma. So the name Fred was on every one's mind because of the Flintstones!
I highly recommend anyone traveling to different countries to have Cipro on hand. Better yet take Cipro while you are there to kill anything that decides to try to smuggle back into the States with you!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Simple Things in Life
Just having them with us has changed my mood in so many ways. They probably think I am cranking when I am telling them to keep there stuff picked up, or hang up your towels, or the one Frannie hates, you need to eat something! We enjoyed our cousin's Mexican food on the 4th and a wonderful breakfast. We have laughed with all my family. Jamie and Dottie played with our 3 year old twins, Sophie and Chloe. They are so adorable! They pretty much latched onto the girls. We all went to the Oklahoma Aquarium. Then back to Kansas.
Just spending time with the girls makes me so happy! Frannie and I made puppy chow but I added a little too much powder sugar! The girls wanted to see my best friend Liz! SO Liz came over for dinner and swimming! Frannie and I froze while we were in the pool. I watched the others play after I got out and it made me realize it is just the little things that makes the girls smile also. I don't have to plan something every day they are here ( even though most days are busy). They just want to have fun with us.
When we went back into the house, we tried to watch a movie. I think Rob and Dottie were trying to watch it but the rest of us were laughing too hard. I finally moved away from them so we could watch the movie but I feel asleep within minutes of sitting still.
I am so blessed to have wonderful nieces! They make my heart smile so much!
Well tonight is zoo night. Sedgwick County Zoo has Twilight Tuesdays and are open until 8:30! We all love zoos!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
A few recipes from my kitchen to yours
Buffalo Chicken Dip
4 Baked Chicken Breasts or A roasted chicken from the store.
2 cup of cheddar cheese
1 cup of ranch dressing
1/2 cup of Frank's Hot Sauce
1 8 oz Cream cheese
Shredded the chicken. Put the shredded chicken into a large pan and add cream cheese. When the cream cheese melted. then add ranch, cheddar cheese and Franks. Let cheddar cheese melt then add it to a small crock. Serve with Frito's scoops and celery. You may want to add more or less hot sauce depending on your taste. I sometimes add blue cheese dressing along with the ranch dressing.
Another quick breakfast recipe
Fry crumpled sausage until brown stir in cream cheese until melted. Serve on a croissant! It is so yummy. I use about 4 oz of cream cheese. Last weekend, I also added mushrooms to the sausage mix!
These recipes came from my sister in law, Joyce. She gave them to me a couple months back and I have made both several times.
My Stuff Mushrooms
preheat oven to 350
1 package of Sausage
10-15 med to large mushrooms
stove top stuffing (sage or original) usually half the package
1/4 c of Marsala cooking wine
1 cups mozzarella cheese
1 c of Parmesan cheese
Pop stems of mushrooms and cut the stems into small pieces after washing. Brown the Sausage and the cut up mushrooms stems. Put the mushrooms caps into a 9x11 casserole baking dish. When sausage is browned, add stuffing, half of both cheeses and Marsala wine. When the cheese is melted, stuff the caps with mixture. bake for 15 mins then add the cheese to the top of the mushrooms. When cheese is melted, take out of oven.
I also have cooked these in a crock pot if we were having company to have them hot. Just top with cheese then put in crock on low.
Some Call It A Bucket List
On my list, which I started when I was in my twenties, I wanted to travel, do adventurous things, try different foods and experience things. I have checked off bungee, jumping tamien(which I have still never told my Aunt and Dad about so shhh, they will kill me), going skinny dipping in someone elses pool (another thing that was done with girls only and no men), see Nascar race which I have been to several, go to a professional sport of every kind except basketball, white water rafting was checked off last year, and of course see my favorite animals in their country which was checked off two weeks ago. (wow I am getting emotional writing about finally seeing hippos and Giraffes in Kenya)
There are so many things I still want to do. I think I always think of this list around my birthday thinking time is a ticking.
I still want to see to Italy, Greece, Ireland, New Zealand and Spain. I want to go to the San Diego Zoo, see the Grand Canyon, go to Multanomah Falls in Oregon, I want to take a picture with Rob and I together in Central Park, I want to do the boat ride on the channel in Chicago (which I hope is checked off Labor Day weekend) and I want to cater an event.
So many things not enough space to write them all but they are still doable. What is on your list to?
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Invasion of the Young's Home!
When I lived back in Missouri, I was with the girls all the time and when I come back now they pretty much are with us from the time we arrive until we leave. I have to work while they are here but really they wont notice we are gone for too long. They usually sleep until noon. They will have of course three TVs to watch, over 120 movies to pick from, WII to play, the computer and of course, the pool. I hope they can entertain themselves while we are working and not be too bored!
I have started to prepare for the girls to arrive. I have bought fruit gushers , fruit roll ups, pizza rolls, popcorn, chips, cheez its, root beer, Dr Pepper, Cherry Coke and ramen noodles(this is for Jamie). The two guest rooms dresser drawers will have space for their clothes. We have a towel rack thingy on back of the doorin the guest bath for their towels,which was needed. I even bought a new comforter for one of the guest rooms.
I am looking forward to showing them around Wichita and elsewhere. We plan on going to the zoo, see the Keeper of the Plains at night, go to the Cosmophere in Hutch, Watkins park, Derby water park, and of course go to a movie. I am still looking for different things to do with them.
Any suggestions?????
New Law in Kansas
So this morning on my drive to Hutch on K96, I thought I would see how many cars actually follow this rule. There were three trucks/cars that were just driving in the passing lane without passing anyone in a 24 miles stretch. So starting tomorrow they can be ticketed for this.
So here is a fair warning to be careful driving in Kansas in the passing lane!
I usually pray when I am driving but maybe I also need to get a book on CD to distract me from the weird things I see!
Also remember to buckle up, its the law!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Another weekend!
Sunday was perfect! I spent some alone time with my hubby! I baked an angel food cake with homemade whip cream and strawberries. We also had spicy pasta salad with chicken! It was so yummy!
We did have one tragic part of the day. Rob was looking out our bedroom window. He was excited to see a baby bunny by the deck. I ran over to the window to see it! It was so cute! We were about to leave to go to the greatest store in my book, so we decided to take a closer look from the deck. We walked quietly out on the deck so we wouldn't scare it. then looked down and I almost starting crying. Something bit the bunny and it was dead. I was horrified! To top it off, when Rob went to pick it up out of the yard later in the evening, it was gone. So something munched it. I am so sad over a bunny!
Back to the greatest store. If you know me very well, I love to cook! So the greatest store is Bed Bath and Beyond. I love Williams and Sonoma but it is a little pricey for me. Rob and I bought a wonderful little thing. We bought a Mr Coffee Ice Tea maker! We can use our loose leaf tea in it! Rob enjoyed iced blueberry tea Sunday afternoon. One thing off my wish list to buy!
Did you do anything fun over the weekend?
Friday, June 26, 2009
My big brother
Glen Allen loved his daughter Molly Claire more than anything. He used to call me and talk about everything she was doing. He thought she hung the moon and the stars.
He loved his nieces and spoiled them. He would always buy their Christmas presents or birthday present items he would want to play with. Frannie has had GI Joe dolls and I think she even got a bb gun one year. He was just a big kid himself.
He also loved to cook! Hmmm I guess it runs in the family. Some of his friends and him would enter BBQ contests and they won a couple of times. He also won a chili cook off ( so have I at Pathways)
He never met a stranger. He loved to talk! ( yes this runs in our family also) He loved the outdoors. He fished and hunted any chance he could get.
I remember he would take me fishing at night. We would talk for hours while we were waiting on the fish to bite. He also took me trout fishing. That is one of my best memories. He also took me rabbit hunting. Apparently, rabbits are out even when there is 3 foot of snow . The first time we went hunting was right after a blizzard in SE Missouri. Mark Coatney and Glen Allen let me tag along. Dad made sure I was bundled up where I could barely move. I think we killed one rabbit that trip. He also taught me how to drive a stick shift in his Chevy S-10. He loved Chevy and our dad is a Ford man!
I also have another memory of being on his shoulders after his sixth or seventh grade band concert. We were a lot alike. We both are very stubborn, strong willed people. So we butted heads often. I could tell so many stories! He always made me laugh!
I miss him everyday!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
More PIcs
This is our precious Naomi! She is the child we sponsor at the school in Mabatini! She is 5 years old!
Stay tuned for more to come!
A Few Pics From Kenya
One of the obstacles I had to deal with on the trip was the squatty potty. I usually tried to use it after the cleaning ladies cleaned it!
This is one of my favorites. He was the handyman with us installing the light panels while we talked with the people in the shanties. Christine accept the Lord and while we prayed with her the sinners prayer and when we said Amen, the light came through one of the holes for the panels. It was such an amazing moment.
Sara is a social worker with Missions of Hope. She was also our translator, friend and a such a blessing when we were with her. I will miss her so much!
These little guys are still on my heart. They lived close to Mabatini school. They were not apart of the school but would hang around watching and listening to the kids play and learn. It is so heart breaking when you can not help all the children in the villages.
Over looking an area of the shanties. It is such a poor area in the Mathari Valley.
Rob and Scott played Shark, tug of war, musical chairs, other games during VBS. See the lady in the back of the picture, she watched all the games both days and never left. She enjoyed watching the children play. Behind her are the potties........
Masai men and I don't think they were too happy with Rob taking their picture!
This little guy was at a house beside Marathi North school. He is so precious.
More to come from the trip including animals and pics from Rob's high school in Kenya!
Bare with me as I am still processing things.........