Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The fun things we brought back from Kenya

Well we have been back almost a month from Kenya! We are discovering we have brought back a few things we really didn't know from Kenya!

Our best friend, Janel brought back e colli and a strain of Typhoid! She has been in the hospital since July 9th and hopefully we will be out today! She did have all her vaccinations but this is a strain that is not preventable apparently. The doctors said they will not know for several weeks what exactly the strand is but they know how to treat her. She looks and feels better every day! Last week when she was in ICU, I decided I do not need to visit third world countries anymore. I am sure I will change my mind one day since the hubby was born there.

I brought back, Fred, the parasite! I realized after the girls named him, I have a brother in law whose name is Fred! (Sorry to the Beams if you read this one) It has been interesting having Fred. He doesn't like Japanese, Mexican, Italian, or American food so far. Hopefully Fred will be dead soon with the medicine!

Now reason why he was named Fred. At my cousins house in Tulsa, they have a turkey on a nest of eggs. We named her Wilma. So the name Fred was on every one's mind because of the Flintstones!

I highly recommend anyone traveling to different countries to have Cipro on hand. Better yet take Cipro while you are there to kill anything that decides to try to smuggle back into the States with you!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad Janel is doing better! I've been praying!

    Fred needs to die.

    My apologies to Freds everywhere.
