Friday, August 7, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

It seems this summer I have not had a chance to breathe. Kenya, the nieces, birthday celebrations and life keeps us busy. I have two other posts drafted but I haven't had the time to upload all the pics so they are waiting to be posted. So stay tuned for the pics.

We have been busy every night this week. I had pottery class (which I plan to take pics on Tuesday)and we both meet with a group we are starting a life group with on Wednesday. In September, we will have two bible study groups and I am excited to be able to spend time with two groups of our friends.

Yesterday,thanks to my wonderful hubby, I bought a sewing/embroidery machine. Granted, I do not know who to sew yet! I bought a used one from the sewing store to see if I really want to do this. Basically, I want to sew a few things and embroidery gifts! I really want to do towels for every season! I am officially domesticated! Who ever would have thought I would be Susie Homemaker, well except I still work along with being a Domesticated DIVA!

Earlier in the week, Rob and I were reading our bible together. We were discussing how the sabbath is suppose to be a day of rest. Rest, what's that? We talked about trying to have a day of rest which we all need and God wants us to have. Then yesterday a friend emailed me that she is needing to listen to what God what wants her to do and not be so busy to be busy. That had me thinking again. Our schedule for August is booked and we have very little down time. If God was telling me something, He might get voicemail! All day yesterday I kept thinking about the email my friend sent and the little discussion Rob and I had. Another reminder when I was at the sewing shop, there was my favorite verse hanging on the wall. BE STILL AND KNOW I"M GOD! Ok Lord, you are smacking me in my face. Yes I know I need to be STILL but how do I do that when I am busy!!!!

So I guess what I am trying to ramble about is this. We are so busy with life most of the time, we miss out on blessings God is trying to show us. We miss out on out time to be still with God. I have my prayer time when I am driving back and forth to work but then sometimes that is even busy time with other things, (talking to friends or family, singing ect)

So I am scheduling my still time. To spend more time in God's word, to spend time resting and also just learn to be still and listen.

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