One of the obstacles I had to deal with on the trip was the squatty potty. I usually tried to use it after the cleaning ladies cleaned it!
This is one of my favorites. He was the handyman with us installing the light panels while we talked with the people in the shanties. Christine accept the Lord and while we prayed with her the sinners prayer and when we said Amen, the light came through one of the holes for the panels. It was such an amazing moment.
Sara is a social worker with Missions of Hope. She was also our translator, friend and a such a blessing when we were with her. I will miss her so much!
These little guys are still on my heart. They lived close to Mabatini school. They were not apart of the school but would hang around watching and listening to the kids play and learn. It is so heart breaking when you can not help all the children in the villages.
Over looking an area of the shanties. It is such a poor area in the Mathari Valley.
Rob and Scott played Shark, tug of war, musical chairs, other games during VBS. See the lady in the back of the picture, she watched all the games both days and never left. She enjoyed watching the children play. Behind her are the potties........
Masai men and I don't think they were too happy with Rob taking their picture!
This little guy was at a house beside Marathi North school. He is so precious.
More to come from the trip including animals and pics from Rob's high school in Kenya!
Bare with me as I am still processing things.........
Those kids are oh-so-cute. I had that "wish I could help all of you" feeling when I was at the colonias in Costa Rica.
ReplyDeleteI had it also in Costa Rica. So I expected it to happen again but it really shocks me how I am feeling still.