Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The Invasion of the Young's Home!
When I lived back in Missouri, I was with the girls all the time and when I come back now they pretty much are with us from the time we arrive until we leave. I have to work while they are here but really they wont notice we are gone for too long. They usually sleep until noon. They will have of course three TVs to watch, over 120 movies to pick from, WII to play, the computer and of course, the pool. I hope they can entertain themselves while we are working and not be too bored!
I have started to prepare for the girls to arrive. I have bought fruit gushers , fruit roll ups, pizza rolls, popcorn, chips, cheez its, root beer, Dr Pepper, Cherry Coke and ramen noodles(this is for Jamie). The two guest rooms dresser drawers will have space for their clothes. We have a towel rack thingy on back of the doorin the guest bath for their towels,which was needed. I even bought a new comforter for one of the guest rooms.
I am looking forward to showing them around Wichita and elsewhere. We plan on going to the zoo, see the Keeper of the Plains at night, go to the Cosmophere in Hutch, Watkins park, Derby water park, and of course go to a movie. I am still looking for different things to do with them.
Any suggestions?????
New Law in Kansas
So this morning on my drive to Hutch on K96, I thought I would see how many cars actually follow this rule. There were three trucks/cars that were just driving in the passing lane without passing anyone in a 24 miles stretch. So starting tomorrow they can be ticketed for this.
So here is a fair warning to be careful driving in Kansas in the passing lane!
I usually pray when I am driving but maybe I also need to get a book on CD to distract me from the weird things I see!
Also remember to buckle up, its the law!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Another weekend!
Sunday was perfect! I spent some alone time with my hubby! I baked an angel food cake with homemade whip cream and strawberries. We also had spicy pasta salad with chicken! It was so yummy!
We did have one tragic part of the day. Rob was looking out our bedroom window. He was excited to see a baby bunny by the deck. I ran over to the window to see it! It was so cute! We were about to leave to go to the greatest store in my book, so we decided to take a closer look from the deck. We walked quietly out on the deck so we wouldn't scare it. then looked down and I almost starting crying. Something bit the bunny and it was dead. I was horrified! To top it off, when Rob went to pick it up out of the yard later in the evening, it was gone. So something munched it. I am so sad over a bunny!
Back to the greatest store. If you know me very well, I love to cook! So the greatest store is Bed Bath and Beyond. I love Williams and Sonoma but it is a little pricey for me. Rob and I bought a wonderful little thing. We bought a Mr Coffee Ice Tea maker! We can use our loose leaf tea in it! Rob enjoyed iced blueberry tea Sunday afternoon. One thing off my wish list to buy!
Did you do anything fun over the weekend?
Friday, June 26, 2009
My big brother
Glen Allen loved his daughter Molly Claire more than anything. He used to call me and talk about everything she was doing. He thought she hung the moon and the stars.
He loved his nieces and spoiled them. He would always buy their Christmas presents or birthday present items he would want to play with. Frannie has had GI Joe dolls and I think she even got a bb gun one year. He was just a big kid himself.
He also loved to cook! Hmmm I guess it runs in the family. Some of his friends and him would enter BBQ contests and they won a couple of times. He also won a chili cook off ( so have I at Pathways)
He never met a stranger. He loved to talk! ( yes this runs in our family also) He loved the outdoors. He fished and hunted any chance he could get.
I remember he would take me fishing at night. We would talk for hours while we were waiting on the fish to bite. He also took me trout fishing. That is one of my best memories. He also took me rabbit hunting. Apparently, rabbits are out even when there is 3 foot of snow . The first time we went hunting was right after a blizzard in SE Missouri. Mark Coatney and Glen Allen let me tag along. Dad made sure I was bundled up where I could barely move. I think we killed one rabbit that trip. He also taught me how to drive a stick shift in his Chevy S-10. He loved Chevy and our dad is a Ford man!
I also have another memory of being on his shoulders after his sixth or seventh grade band concert. We were a lot alike. We both are very stubborn, strong willed people. So we butted heads often. I could tell so many stories! He always made me laugh!
I miss him everyday!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
More PIcs
This is our precious Naomi! She is the child we sponsor at the school in Mabatini! She is 5 years old!
Stay tuned for more to come!
A Few Pics From Kenya
One of the obstacles I had to deal with on the trip was the squatty potty. I usually tried to use it after the cleaning ladies cleaned it!
This is one of my favorites. He was the handyman with us installing the light panels while we talked with the people in the shanties. Christine accept the Lord and while we prayed with her the sinners prayer and when we said Amen, the light came through one of the holes for the panels. It was such an amazing moment.
Sara is a social worker with Missions of Hope. She was also our translator, friend and a such a blessing when we were with her. I will miss her so much!
These little guys are still on my heart. They lived close to Mabatini school. They were not apart of the school but would hang around watching and listening to the kids play and learn. It is so heart breaking when you can not help all the children in the villages.
Over looking an area of the shanties. It is such a poor area in the Mathari Valley.
Rob and Scott played Shark, tug of war, musical chairs, other games during VBS. See the lady in the back of the picture, she watched all the games both days and never left. She enjoyed watching the children play. Behind her are the potties........
Masai men and I don't think they were too happy with Rob taking their picture!
This little guy was at a house beside Marathi North school. He is so precious.
More to come from the trip including animals and pics from Rob's high school in Kenya!
Bare with me as I am still processing things.........
Monday, June 22, 2009
Trying to Process........
I know what we have seen has changed me somehow. Even though I realize how blessed we are, I am very cranky and just not really happy. It is almost a depression. I have been cranky with my best friends to the point I hurt them. I have been cranky with my husband which hurts me. I have apologized to the three of them but its still not justified. I think I need to process the things running in around in my head. I am surprised how I am reacting to things this trip. Costa Rica was also very much poverty and filth alot like Kenya.I think what Mary and Wallace are doing in the Mathrai Valley is amazing! they have changed so many lives already. A part of me feels so helpless and guilty what we have here in the States. If I want food, I buy it. If I want 10 movies, I buy it. What I spend on DVDs a month will buy a mattress and three blankets. What I spend on cokes in a month will sponsor a child for school, meals, and clothing.
It makes you realize how us in the US do not have a clue about the rest of the world. We are a selfish nation. We are so much about having the best of everything, what things can we buy, what kind of cars we drive, ect... It is one of the factors why we are in this horrible economic recession. We have had to borrow money to pay for our things and not just be happy with what we can afford as a country in whole.
I came home to my nice big house with a nice big warm bed with the ac on. I was able to get water from my refrigerator (with ice) that was safe to drink, I took a long hot shower, fixed a meal on my stove after going to the grocery store to buy whatever we wanted, I drove there in my car. Now I am back to work to a job I am thankful for since there are so many layoffs around us. But my mind keeps drifting back to Kenya..... to the teacher who has so much joy on her face because she loves Jesus so much and she is teaching kids who would not have the chance to learn English, history, math and about Christ without the Missions of Hope. I keep thinking she only makes 90.00 a month but she sure loves to be there.
I have the little kid that stands outside of the Mabatini(sp) center with his little brother on his back. Their eyes so big and you can see the pain. They watched outside the doors while we taught the kids songs and games. I can still smell the odors of the beer brewing that kills so many because it is dangerous to drink. It is brewed over an open fire with who knows what all is in there. I still smell the odor of animals, feces, and garbage. I still feel what it is like to be in complete darkness when sitting in a home before the light panels were installed. It was a helpless feeling. I knew God would take care of us but you is so strange to not be able to see in front of you even when it is daytime.
I can tell you of the experience we had but until you are there, you can not understand. I can show you pictures but you don't smell the air. I challenge others to go and see.
Another thing I realized from this trip, the USA needs Christ more and more everyday. I had to go Kenya, Africa to see true joy and trust in the Lord! Why can we not have the joy of the Lord of on our faces? Mostly we are "too busy" with life. I can tell you one thing, we need to be witnessing here daily to our family, friends, and somehow to everyone we encounter. Even if it is just with the joy on your face because you love Jesus. That is worth a thousand words.
Now that I have rambled. I hope this make sense. I am not going to edit it since this is my true feelings.
Today try to witness to someone, let the Joy of the Lord show on your face!
Friday, June 19, 2009
We are back
We are so blessed here in the US! I know I will not be complaining about my job or other things for a long time. At least I have a job, a home, food when I want it, a husband that takes care of me, a car to go places, ect....
I will post pictures and stories this weekend.
God Bless!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This June 6th, we will be on a plane for our missions trip to Kenya!

Please pray for our team,and the people of Kenya!
Monday, June 1, 2009
"Give Me Your Eyes"
I have actually witness some of the items above in the last couple of weeks. I have seen someone I love dearly find out he has cancer at age 19. I know God will take care of him but it is very hard to know his family is going through this storm.
I have seen the tears of a wife after discovering her husband's unfaithfulness. We try to comfort her with words and love but she just feels betrayed, helpless and unworthy right now. We are praying for God to wrap His arms around her during this time.
I have seen alcoholism tear a family apart. But Praise God, I am witnessing God's healing in this situation. I am seeing changes in a life and a family after many years of hurt.
I have seen friends going through the unknown with all the layoffs. We are still praying Cessna doesn't lay off Rob since Cessna continues to have massive layoffs. We know God will provide and He will take care of us.
Wichita saw a murder yesterday in God's house. Even though I do not believe in what Dr Tiller practiced, he did not deserve to be murder brutally. Violence and murder is not the answer for abortion and abortionists. We are praying for his family, friends, and his church.
God is faithful and good. He can help through these difficult times. He can change the heart of the unfaithful husband, He is changing the heart of the alcoholic, He can heal the heart of those hurting.
I pray this week to have God's eyes so maybe I can help someone, it may just be a kind word, a hug, a prayer, or maybe just to listen.