Friday, May 1, 2009


Last weekend we helped with Love Wichita. 27 churches, 3700 people cleaning up Wichita and just helping out our neighbors. We were showing God's love!
Janel, Rob and I were at Camp Hiawatha. We were priming and painting a pool house wall.

We were painting with other people from Central Christian Church. Darren is our new friend. He is a sophomore in high school and is a really cool young man.

Darren even let me paint on him when we were taking a break. He was a good sport!

Of course,Rob was responsible for all the high spots!

Janel and I were in charge of painting the lower spots!

It was a blessing to be apart of Love Wichita!!!


  1. It's a match made in Heaven. You get the low places, Rob gets the high. :)

  2. i knew 'love wichita' was coming up, but wasn't sure what it was. glad you guys took part with your church friends. see you soon!

  3. Lins- I agree we are a match made in Heaven in more ways than one"

    Mike- It was a blessing and a blast! See you on Sunday!
