Phil, Doug and Rob in the salt mine.

All three men are engineers, also Doug serves our country as a Captain in the Air Force flying the big refueling tankers. Phil and Hubby are engineers at Cessna. I would have loved to hear their conversations but I am sure it was about flying and building airplanes, photography and more aviation stuff!
According to my husband, they had a personal tour just the three of them. The guide made sure they were up close enough to take pictures. Did I tell you that Doug and Rob are really into photography?
A little history about Kansas Underground Museum. It is a salt museum 650 ft under ground. You have to take an elevator down. You explore the mine by little carts. They also store old films from Hollywood for protection since it is a control climate. They also display Hollywood memorabilia. Another reason I did not want to go: there is only one way in and out. I have seen too many shows with the mines collapsing. Yes, I will cluck now. I am a chicken.
My hubby took some nice pictures to share.
The candy bars from the Willy Wonka movie! Yum chocolate!

Doug looking at the large computer.

At the end of the tour, you are welcome to fill a little bag full of the salt! When hubby showed me the salt crystal, I licked it!
A great time was had by all! I didn't spend too much money!
Heather you're not supposed to lick the salt. There are no porta-potties down there in the salt mines. You know what that means... :)