Monday, April 27, 2009

And the adventures begin......

I have been threatening to start a blog for a while now. Rob and I have been married 8 months. This wonderful marriage has been such a blessing and an adventure, I wanted to document it.

We are preparing for our adventure to Nairobi, Kenya. Our church, Central Christian Church, is taking a team to work with the Missions of Hope. We plan on having a VBS with the kids, showing the Jesus film and installing light panels in the houses in the slums. From my understanding, the houses have no light in them. We will cut out a piece out of the ceiling and install panels for the light to shine in.
I am excited about the light panels. The scripture says in
2 Corinthians 4:6
For God, who said, "Let light shine out of darkness," made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
We will be able to help the light shine in the homes and also show God's light within us! How awesome is that!

Our adventure in the works for May:planting flowers,a camping trip with the Parks, the Man Date to the salt museum (which the men are allowing us ladies to go), a trip to Missouri for our niece Frannie's graduation, a trip to the zoo to see the new tigers with the gang and much more to come....

This weeks challenge: To be a Light everyday and everywhere.

It's never boring being Young!


  1. Yay for a new blog! And I'm taking your comment-free virginity! Something like that. haha. All that talk from Friday night seems to be affecting me. :)

    I'm glad that you explained about what you'll be doing in Kenya. I think that is fantastic to give those people light in their homes.

  2. Wow besides Rob, you are the only one that knows about our blog!!! thanks for the first posting.

  3. hello! glad you started a blog. i'll check in from time to time. glad we're related.

  4. Word up. Let's get this pahtay started.

  5. I'll comment on yours if you'll comment on mine! :-) Woo-hoo for man dates!

  6. Angela you are more excited than I am about the man date! I had dreams about the mine last night. It is going to fall in on us.

  7. OH! How did I not know about The Youngs showing up on the internets!? Welcome! I'll be posting regularly!
