Thursday, June 10, 2010

Relating to Hannah

When I read 1 Samuel 1, I relate with Hannah how she feels year after year not having a child. Elkanah loves her and takes extra care of her. She still longs for a son for Elkanah.

It seems like everyone around me is either pregnant or having a child. There are days it is frustrating and it hurts. Month after month I pray I become pregnant again. The miscarriage has been too much to handle and I just want one baby.

When I feel overwhelmed with the longing for a child, I read 1 Samuel . Hannah poured her heart and soul, weeping and praying to the Lord. Trust me I pray and cry also. Then God granted her pray, Samuel! She gave him back to Him also.

I know God answers pray. If it is God's will, Rob and I will have a child one day. But like Hannah, my hubby loves me and takes care of me! I am truly blessed!

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